Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Paying Bills in a Student House

Once you've sorted out your accommodation, you need to decide whose responsible for paying each bill.  While it might seem egalitarian to say that you are all responsible for all bills, in reality the utility companies always want someone's name on the bill, so it make sense to divide this responsibility up between you i.e. one of you pays the phone bill, one the gas bill etc.

As a student you are exempt from paying council tax, although try and avoid living with part time students or non students as they are not exempt and that means that the whole property is liable for this bill.

A lot of people nowadays don't have a landline as their mobile suffices, but bear in mind that most broadband providers require you to have a landline, although cable and satellite companies often produce a bundle that covers, phone, TV and broadband.

Finally remember to get a TV licence, although you only need one per house even if you have multiple TV's.

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